Community Church

What we Believe

Our core beliefs, the “absolutes”, are the unshakable foundation of our faith. These are the non-negotiables at the very heart of what we hold to. We acknowledge the complexity of faith and the diverse ways people walk in it, but we hold to these truths deeply.

Beyond that, we hold our convictions a little less tightly, and some preferences even less tightly. But these are important principles and themes, derived from our absolutes, that guide our identity and actions.

Our Absolutes

Everything Else

In the midst of this fallen, broken world, the church is a place where community can and should happen. We want to try and “do life together” as much as we can. This involves church services of course, but also includes meals, outreach activities, planned times of fun, and more.

We strive to achieve wholeness or “shalom”. Not perfection. God works through us and in us and among us, even though sometimes we are not aware of it. He is always with us because of His overwhelming grace and love for each of us, despite our weakness and shortcomings.

We believe that God’s Kingdom began through the mission and message of Jesus. We are citizens of his Kingdom, called to be an example of his presence, care, love, grace, discipline, generosity, and hope for the rest of humanity. We believe the kingdom is NOW, not something in the “distant future”.

Because of the fallen state of the world, many have been left behind and are suffering. We are called to be a voice for the voiceless. We are to stand with those that are often considered “others”.

The only way we can accomplish all we are called to is if everyone is participating. Church was never meant to be a spectator sport. We are part of the body of Christ and different parts have different functions. We work best when we work together using all the things that make us unique.

As we exercise our gifts, we recognize and give space for making mistakes. Men and women are free to utilize their gifts in whatever capacity they have been given. It is especially important to us that women are given places of leadership and opportunities to speak.

We value education and science. Therapy, science, and medicine are wonders of discovery made possible by a loving and brilliant Creator. Science and faith are not at odds.

The care and discipleship of our children is a priority for our church and we value and compensate our children’s ministry staff for their work and time. We welcome kids and include them in our times of teaching and worship as much as we can, while also making space for their own time of learning and fun.

Baptism enables us to identify with the rescue from sin and death that Jesus accomplished on the cross and with our new life in the Holy Spirit. We believe every follower of Jesus should obey His command to be baptized.

We regularly participate in remembering the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf through the celebration of communion.

Our church is designed to run on the financial generosity of those who attend. It takes financial support to do the work we are called to do. But beyond that, we depend on the giftings, time, and talents of our community as well.

Our Sunday mornings include announcements, worship, preaching by various voices, and active discussion. The service generally lasts about two hours, with occasional variations like Action Sundays involving community service activities.