Community Church


When and where do we meet?

We meet on Sunday mornings at 10am at 245 Colrain St. SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49548. On Action Sundays, we'll share location and event specifics well in advance.

Who are the leaders of Community Church?

We strive to be a community that is honest with one another about giftings in the body and encourages/empowers individuals to live out of their giftings. Our current leadership team is: Tina, Melissa, Dave, Chuck, Laura, and Ian. Chuck leads much of our teaching times, but at other times our services will be led by other voices and leaders in our community.

What is a typical Sunday like?

Our Sunday mornings are casual, but they typically include a time of music, prayer, readings, and teaching. Our teaching time is centered on a theme from Chuck or another teacher. Mid-way through our Sunday morning gathering, we break for a brief intermission to fellowship and discuss the teaching over refreshments. We strive to include discussion and interactivity in our teaching time, so it’s common for members of our group to raise a hand during the teaching time and ask a question, and for there to be group discussion during or after the teaching. We strive to create an environment where the voices of less-talkative people can be included as well, but participation in discussion is always totally optional.

What childcare options are available?

We offer staffed nursery for little ones as well as kids church for kids aged 4 through 5th grade.

How does Community Church navigate political division?

We expect members of this group to be unified in the desire to go after the themes we included in our initial group brief (let us know and we’ll send you a copy) and in accordance with What We Believe. This group is designed for those who share many of these same convictions as a foundation upon which to build, as opposed to reconsidering and debating. But we don’t expect perfect unity, and we’ll welcome those who are ready to dig into these themes with us, regardless of political and faith backgrounds.

I’m not big into talking in a group. Is that OK?

Absolutely! We provide group experiences that are designed for both the introverts and extroverts of our group. We want to design space and conversation times that benefit from different voices and personalities contributing in their own way.

What are the beliefs of Community Church

Read more about What We Believe.

How can I give to Community Church?